Unit 7 (It is important to help)
Activity book page 31 ex 1 (Read and circle)
Nadia: Hi, Fatima. I’m going shopping this afternoon. Would you like to come with me?
Fatima: I’m sorry I can’t, Nadia. I’m going to see my grandmother. She is unwell. I’m taking her some lunch.
Nadia: Oh, dear. Has she been to the doctor?
Fatima: Yes, she has. The doctor was very kind to her.
Nadia: Has the doctor given her some medicine?
Fatima: Yes, she has. My grandmother took her medicine this morning.
Nadia: That’s good
Fatima: She hasn’t eaten anything this morning. Mum has made her some lentils with vegetables for lunch
Nadia: That’s kind. Your grandmother will be hungry now. Can I come with you? I’d like to help.
Fatima: Yes, of course. I’d like that.
Activity book page 31 ex 2 (Match and write answers)
- Has Fatima’s grandmother seen the doctor? Yes, she has. (picture d)
- Has Fatima seen her grandmother today? No, she hasn’t. (picture b)
- Has the doctor given her grandmother some medicine? Yes, she has (picture e)
- Has Fatima’s grandmother eaten anything today? No, she hasn’t (picture a)
- Has Fatima’s mother made lunch for Fatima’s grandmother? Yes, she has (picture c)