اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول



Unit 7 (It is important to help)

Activity book page 31 ex 1 (Read and circle)

Nadia: Hi, Fatima. I’m going shopping this afternoon. Would you like to come with me?

Fatima: I’m sorry I can’t, Nadia. I’m going to see my grandmother. She is unwell. I’m taking her some lunch.

Nadia: Oh, dear. Has she been to the doctor?

Fatima: Yes, she has. The doctor was very kind to her.

Nadia: Has the doctor given her some medicine?

Fatima: Yes, she has. My grandmother took her medicine this morning.

Nadia: That’s good

Fatima: She hasn’t eaten anything this morning. Mum has made her some lentils with vegetables for lunch

Nadia: That’s kind. Your grandmother will be hungry now. Can I come with you? I’d like to help.

Fatima: Yes, of course. I’d like that.

Activity book page 31 ex 2 (Match and write answers)

  1. Has Fatima’s grandmother seen the doctor? Yes, she has.       (picture d)
  2. Has Fatima seen her grandmother today? No, she hasn’t.  (picture b)
  3. Has the doctor given her grandmother some medicine? Yes, she has  (picture e)
  4. Has Fatima’s grandmother eaten anything today? No, she hasn’t (picture a)
  5. Has Fatima’s mother made lunch for Fatima’s grandmother? Yes, she has (picture c)