Using Technology in Class.
The text mentions some ideas on how we can use technology in Jordanian classrooms.
Teachers can use whiteboards to:
- Show websites on the board
- Show educational programmes
- Show games, music, and recording of languages
Tablet computers
Students can use the tablets to do tasks such as:
- showing photographs
- researching information
- recording interviews
- creating diagrams
Writing blogs(online diaries)
Students can write about their lives or as if they were someone famous.
Creating a website for the classroom
Students can contribute to the website by posting work, photos and messages.
Making use of social media
-Teachers can ask students to summarise what they have learnt in class making use of their skill in sending messages that are less than 140 letters.
- students can use social media to help them in their studies such as:
-Asking other students to check and compare work
- asking questions
- sharing ideas
Email exchanges
Teachers can ask students to email what they have learnt to students at another school either in Jordan or in another country.
Students can share information and help each other.
Talking to people over the computer
- To see what students in other countries are doing while talking to them
- To invite a guest speaker to give talks over a computer.
Pronoun Reference |
The pronoun |
The line |
The reference |
1 +2 |
young people |
they |
20 |
which |
25 |
social media |
they |
29 |
students |
this way |
40 |
being able to see the people you are talking to |
they |
42 |
students who are studying English in Jordan |
them |
43 |
Students in England |
this system |
43 |
talking to people over the computer |
they |
47 |
students |
them |
48 |
computers |
them |
49 |
students |