1 Before you read How many parrots can you see? Where are the parrots?
قبل أن تقرأ كم عدد الببغاوات التي يمكنك رؤيتها؟ أين الببغاوات؟
2 Listen and read the story together.
1 Are you ready for dress-up day?
Yes, Miss Halima! Look!
We’ve got our clothes.
2 I like dress-up days!
This is fun.
Hurry, Polly and Laila. You're first.
3 Hello, everyone!
We're wearing dresses.
We're wearing sandals, too.
4 Atomic and Bo are wearing a blue scarf and red hats.
Atomic's socks are red, too. They look cool!
5 Oh, no! Those jeans are too small!
And these shirts! What can we do?
I've got an idea!
6 Here are Sami and Tom. They're wearing ... Oh!
You're wearing pyjamas ... and hats! You look amazing!
7 What a cool dress-up day!
Well done, everyone!
Thanks for the clothes.
8 Wow! Look at all these clothes!
Let's recycle those trainers, Laila.
Can we recycle these pyjamas, too?
3 After you read Look at the story. Read and write the names
بعد أن تقرأ القصة، انظر إليها واقرأ الأسماء واكتبها.
1 She’s wearing a T-shirt and a skirt. Miss Halima
2 They’re wearing dresses. Polly and Laila
3 They’re wearing pyjamas. Tom and Sami
4 They’re wearing scarves and hats. Atomic and Bo