اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

المواد المشتركة توجيهي


Comprehension: Page 25, exercise 4

4  Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. Why does the hospital need to expand?

2. Give three reasons why patients from other countries visit the centre.

3. What is one of the disadvantages of the KHCC for patients who live far from Amman?
4. What plans are there for increasing cancer care facilities in other parts of Jordan?

The hospital needs to expand because there is more demand for treatment.
2. It has an excellent reputation, the costs are lower and there are cultural and language similarities.
3. The journey to and from the hospital is often difficult.
4. There are plans to set up radiotherapy machines in Irbid


Speaking: Page 25, exercise 6

6 Work in pairs. Imagine yourself and your city in 2050 CE. Share ideas about things that you think will have happened. Choose from the topics in the box.

education       career  home     friends and family

transport      healthcare         technology

Suggested answer

I expect life in 2050 to be completely different from what we live in now. I expect that in every house there will be a robot doing all the housework.

Transportation will be high-speed, and flying cars and amphibious cars will spread, and I expect that there will be new cities to solve the problem of congestion. Technology will have controlled most aspects of our life. Healthcare centre will have spread to most populated areas by then. There is no doubt that the future will require us to prepare ourselves well, in order to be able to find jobs.  I expect that technology will have a greater role in completing the work, and there will not be many job opportunities. Jobs will be reduced to some specializations, and a large number of jobs that can be performed by robots will be dispensed with.


Speaking: Page 25, exercise 9

9 Use your work from exercise 8 to give a five-minute oral and
electronic presentation to the class.

Academic skills: Preparing for oral presentations
• Make sure you have an opening sentence which tells the listener what you are going to talk about.
• Make your points and give details, examples or explanations to support what you have said.
• End with a summarising sentence or conclusion.

Students’ own answers