اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 5

Lesson 6

Communication Workshop

Writing a detective story

SB page 62 / exercise 1:

1 In a group, discuss the story and find the solution to the case. Consider the following questions: Why was Mr Hayek worried? What did the policeman know about the suspects?

Suggested answer

Mr Hayek thought that Mr Ibrahim, his new neighbour, was sending Omar and Waleed to kidnap him. Mr Hayek heard Mr Ibrahim discussing the plan for three consecutive days while he was on his way to his flat. It appears that Mr Ibrahim and Sawsan Yousef are the scriptwriters of a TV show. They were writing a new script. Omar and Waleed are actors.


SB page 62 / exercise 2:

2 In a group, solve this case answering the following questions.

a. What happened?

d. How did it happen?

c.Who did it?

b. Where did it happen?

e. Why did he/she do it?

One night, a panda disappeared from its cage in the zoo. In the morning, the zookeepers found the door of the circular cage was open. Nobody knew where the panda was. Only three men had keys to the zoo. A detective arrived and interviewed the three men. “Where were you the night the panda was stolen?” “I was having dinner at home with my family,” said the zoo owner. “I was cleaning the corners of the cages,” said the zoo cleaner. “I was feeding the lions,” said the manager. Who lied? How did the detective know

The answer:

a. A panda went missing b. In a zoo

c. The zoo cleaner

d. The zoo cleaner stole the panda when the owner was at home and the manager was busy feeding the lions

e. Students’ own answers


SB  page 62 / exercise 3:

3 In a group, write your own story and illustrate it. Then tell it to the class. Don’t give them the answer. Let them think and then tell you! Use the story above as an example.

 Answers should include: what happened, where, how, who did it and why.



Crossword Puzzle

Read the clues and write the words in the puzzle.

SB page 64



Across 1. owner 2. famous 3. crime 4. solution 5. intelligent 6. suspect 7. adventure

Down 8. professional 9. fi ngerprint
