اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 6 

I’m having fun!

Lesson 1

SB page 67

what do you think the module is about? Do you know where these people are?


The answer:Maybe they are in Malysia.


There are two kinds of tourism which are the most popular at present: adventure tourism and ecotourism. Sometimes it is diffi cult to fi nd the difference between them. Adventure tourism or an adventure holiday is going to far or exotic places to learn about other cultures, do a physical activity and/or be in contact with nature. Adventure tourism may include dangerous activities such as mountain climbing, mountain biking and rock climbing. Ecotourism means having responsible holidays. Travelling by air is the most polluting part of the trip. So, ecotourists travel responsibly: • They minimise air travel: they stay longer in a destination instead of making many short trips. • When possible, they choose trains, buses and passenger boats for transportation instead of aeroplanes and cars

SB page 62 / exercice 2:

Follow the instructions below

Listen to the expert on tourism talking about adventure tourism and ecotourism. What is the difference between them? What does a responsible tourist do? Write down notes as you listen


Adventure tourism is going to remote or exotic places.

Ecotourism means having a holiday for the purpose of taking care of the environment. Responsible tourists choose trains, buses and passenger boats for transportation instead of aeroplanes and cars; they stay longer at a destination instead of making many short trips.


*The key words:

The word/ phrase The meaning The part of speech
tourisim activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment Noun
Adventure an unusualexciting, and possibly dangerous activity, such as a trip or experience, or the excitement produced by such an activity Noun
Ecotourism the business of organizing holidays to places of natural beauty in a way that helps local people and does not damage the environment Noun
sand beach  a small model of a castle or other structure that is made with sand on a beach Noun
To lie (Of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. Verb
To shine

( of a sun or another source of light) give out a bright light

To sunbathe
Sit or lie in the sun, especially to tan the skin.
To relax make or become less tense or anxious. verb 
To rest Cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. Verb

SB page 67 / exercise 3:

3 Listen again and check your guesses in the Activity Book glossary pages 76–77 or in the classroom dictionary

The answer:

1 Tourism is when you visit new places.

2 An adventure holiday means going to far away places and doing fun activities.

3 Ecotourism means having responsible holidays.

4 This is the best beach holiday ever!

5 Let’s build a sandcastle!

6 I’m lying under a tree.

7 Where are you phoning from?

8 It’s actually raining here!

9 I am relaxing on the beach.

10 I’m resting because we are cycling up a mountain.

11 The sun’s shining.

12 He is sunbathing on the beach.


To still remember them:

  tourisim                                 adventure                                   ecotourism

to shine                     to rest                              to sunbathe


SB page 67 / exercise 4:

4 In a group, use your notes to discuss different types of holidays. Can you go on an adventure or on an ecological holiday in your country? Make a list of the places you can visit and of the activities you can do there.

Suggested answers :

Types of holidays: :   •religious holiday          • hiking              • exotic beach holiday                        

Activities     :• swimming             • safari holiday               • sunbathing


*While reading:

Lesson 2 and 3 :

Adventure holidays are brilliant!

Hassan: Hi, Omar! How’s life?

Omar: Hassan? I thought you were on holiday. Where are you phoning from? Hassan: I’m having a wonderful adventure holiday in New Zealand. It’s fantastic! Omar: What are you doing? Hassan: Right now I’m lying under a tree. I’m resting because we are cycling up a mountain. We are enjoying the wonderful weather: the sun’s shining! What’s the weather like back home?

Omar: It’s actually raining here! I am sitting in my bedroom, looking out of the window. So where’s the rest of your family? What are they doing? Are they enjoying the holiday?

Hassan: Well … Dad isn’t really having fun. He broke his leg when we got here. Right now, he is sunbathing on the beach and playing chess with my younger brother. Khaled’s playing hide and seek with the rest of the boys.

Omar: Where’s Sami? He can’t ride a bicycle. Hassan: No, he didn’t come mountain biking with me, but you know how he loves danger. He’s doing rock climbing! Oh! The group leader is calling us. I’m coming! Bye,

Omar! See you next week!

*After reading:

SB page 68 / exercise 1

1 Read the following dialogue between Hassan and Omar. Where is Hassan? How is each member of his family spending the holiday?


Hassan is in New Zealand. Hassan is cycling up a mountain.

His dad is sunbathing and playing chess with Hassan’s younger brother.

Khaled is playing hide and seek. Sami is rock climbing.
