اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


- respond to analytical questions before, during and after listening to a professor’s talk about non-renewable energy sources

- use various vocal clues (e.g. speed and emphasis) to understand the ideas and information when listening

- take part in a plan-based discussion about the best non-renewable energy source for Jordan by defining a position and selecting evidence to support that position

- defend a position or present information by developing a well-organised presentation about the best non-renewable energy source for Jordan

- skim an exposition to get the gist • write well-organised and coherent paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting paragraph and a concluding sentence

- make predictions about different sources of energy

- confirm and clarify word meaning using dictionaries and glossaries

- scan an exposition for particular information

- demonstrate understanding of an informational text about a quiz show by answering comprehension questions

- elicit information from someone by asking appropriate questions orally