اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


- use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words

- pronounce a number of diphthongs

- present evidence clearly to give reasons for liking and not liking certain types of books

- respond to analytical questions before, during and after listening to people talking about books

- assess the quality of the speaker’s presentation style by using criteria such as tone of voice

- identify the main idea of a taped talk on topics of personal or academic interest

- use an appropriate tone to influence the audience

- engage in a discussion to express opinions about books

- produce written responses to questions about one’s favourite book

- scan an exposition for particular information

- demonstrate understanding of a book review by answering questions

- translate informational and literary reading materials from English into Arabic

- take part in a plan-based discussion about different books

- read for enjoyment texts recommended by peers

- produce a blurb and a review of a book

- read various types of texts to match them with their headings