اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي



 Presenter: Sami is fifteen. He’s a Jordanian student at a school in London, but in his free time, he writes for a newspaper! Sami, tell us about the writing that you do.

 Sami: I’m a member of an online newspaper where all the journalists are young people. We investigate stories and research topics that we think will interest people our age.

Presenter:How did you become a journalist?

Sami: Well, I was interviewed for a news story by another journalist. He was doing a story about children whose parents were immigrants in London. It ended up being the lead story of the newspaper.

Presenter: What kind of stories have you worked on?

Sami: I’ve done lots of different stories and I’ve made videos as well. I’ve also made a radio programme about young people and the food that they eat.

Presenter: What do you enjoy most about being a journalist?

Sami: I like the way that investigating issues makes you think about things more deeply. It has opened my mind to things that I didn’t know about, and it has given me a lot of confidence. Besides, seeing my name as the byline in an article is really rewarding.

Presenter: How can people read your work?

Sami: They can go to our website. We’ve also got a few magazines in print.

Presenter: Do you think you’ll work in journalism one day?

Sami: I hope so! I’d really love to report on issues all over the world. I think journalists have a very responsible job. It’s their role to tell people about things that are happening all over the world.



The text talks about:

-The four forms of communication.

- How chimpanzees communicate with each other, according to the scientists in Borneo.

-The reason of taking the postcard such a long time to be delivered.

- The reason of taking the man in southern England the balloon that he had found to his neighbours.

- Our idea of communication has changed dramatically in the last 100 years.

- Letters are still often sent between friends, even though we can just send an email instead.