اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


- scan an exposition for particular information scan an exposition for particular information

- demonstrate understanding of an informational text about food by answering comprehension questions

- engage in a discussion to understand details about your partners’ favourite dishes

- scan an exposition for particular information

- pronounce graphemes with different sounds

- elicit information from someone by asking appropriate questions orally

- elicit information from someone by asking appropriate questions orally

- use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words

- present information by referring to a chart

- engage in a discussion to understand details about the Jordanian dish, makmura

- read a functional text to perform a task

- recognise tone in spoken language for expressing instructions

- respond to analytical questions before, during and after listening to a Jordanian recipe

- scan an exposition for particular information

- produce a recipe for your favourite dish

- write different types of sentences in two paragraphs showing different discourse (negatives and statements)