اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



Unit 9 (we went to the airport)

Pupil’s book gage 44 ex. 1 (listen and read) lesson 1+2

Picture 1

Samira: Here’s the airport. Look at the new building!

Dad: Yes, it’s bigger than the old building.

Kareem: Let’s look for Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma!

Picture 2

Kareem: Look! I can see them!

Uncle Hassan: Hello everyone! Our plane landed early!

Aunt Muna: We collected our suitcases and went through customs. Then we had lunch while we were waiting for you.


Picture 3

Samira: Did Salma like the journey?

Uncle Hassan: Yes, she did, but she started to cry while we were checking in and showing our passports!

Aunt Muna: She slept most of the time on the plane. She woke up while the plane was landing.

Picture 4

Dad: I’ll put the suitcases in the car.

Samira: I’ll carry Salma

Aunt Muna: Thank you,Samira. Here’s a present for you and Kareem. It’s from Lebanon.

Kareem: It’s a box of sweets! Thank you, Aunt Muna

Pre questions

Free answers

1-Have you ever been to an airport? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

2- Have you ever been in a plane? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

3- What are these


 check in                              cry           customs                             go through              land                                 passport                         suitcase

While reading questions

  1. Who is arriving at the airport?
  2. Did Salma enjoy the journey?
  3. What did Uncle Hassan and Aunt Muna do while they were waiting in the airport?
  4. When did Salma start to cry?
  5. What will Dad do?
  6. What did Aunt Muna give to Kareem and Samira?
  7. What is the present?


1-Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma.

2-Yes, she did.

3- They had lunch while they were waiting in the airport.

4- She started to cry while they were checking in and showing their passports.

5. He will put the suitcases in the car.

6- She gave them a present.

7- It’s a box of sweets.


After reading questions:

According to the text, “She woke up while the plane was landing”.

  1. What was happening first? The plane was landing
  2. What happened then? She woke up

Find out the sentences with (while) ……..

  1. Then we had lunch while we were waiting for you.
  2. She started to cry while we were checking in and showing our passports!