Unit 9 (we went to the airport)
Pupil’s book gage 44 ex. 1 (listen and read) lesson 1+2
Picture 1
Samira: Here’s the airport. Look at the new building!
Dad: Yes, it’s bigger than the old building.
Kareem: Let’s look for Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma!
Picture 2
Kareem: Look! I can see them!
Uncle Hassan: Hello everyone! Our plane landed early!
Aunt Muna: We collected our suitcases and went through customs. Then we had lunch while we were waiting for you.
Picture 3
Samira: Did Salma like the journey?
Uncle Hassan: Yes, she did, but she started to cry while we were checking in and showing our passports!
Aunt Muna: She slept most of the time on the plane. She woke up while the plane was landing.
Picture 4
Dad: I’ll put the suitcases in the car.
Samira: I’ll carry Salma
Aunt Muna: Thank you,Samira. Here’s a present for you and Kareem. It’s from Lebanon.
Kareem: It’s a box of sweets! Thank you, Aunt Muna
Pre questions
Free answers
1-Have you ever been to an airport? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.
2- Have you ever been in a plane? Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.
3- What are these
check in cry customs go through land passport suitcase
While reading questions
- Who is arriving at the airport?
- Did Salma enjoy the journey?
- What did Uncle Hassan and Aunt Muna do while they were waiting in the airport?
- When did Salma start to cry?
- What will Dad do?
- What did Aunt Muna give to Kareem and Samira?
- What is the present?
1-Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma.
2-Yes, she did.
3- They had lunch while they were waiting in the airport.
4- She started to cry while they were checking in and showing their passports.
5. He will put the suitcases in the car.
6- She gave them a present.
7- It’s a box of sweets.
After reading questions:
According to the text, “She woke up while the plane was landing”.
- What was happening first? The plane was landing
- What happened then? She woke up
Find out the sentences with (while) ……..
- Then we had lunch while we were waiting for you.
- She started to cry while we were checking in and showing our passports!