Lesson5+ 6+7 (Pb .page 40+41) " You must sit down "
يجب عليك أن تجلس
Open your Pupil’s Book at page 40
Exercise 5 :Listen and point.
Tapescript 1 .Boy: I’m reading my book. Mum: You must go to sleep now. It’s eight o’clock.
2. Dentist: You mustn’t eat a lot of sweets.
3. Girl: It’s cold today. Mum: Yes, you must take your jacket to school.
4 .Miss: Now, you mustn’t forget your homework, children! Children: Ok, Miss. |
Answers : | 1.b | 2.d | 3.c | 4.a |
Open your Pupil’s Book at Page 41
Exercise 6 :Listen and say
What’s this? It’s a mountain.
-You are going on a school trip to a mountain. *What must you do? What mustn’t you do? 1.You must take water with you. 2.You mustn’t forget your lunch. 3.You must take a hat with you |
please , children you musn't shout . |
Exercise 7 : Say
Home بيت ![]() |
School مدرسة ![]() |
,في رحلة بالحافلة ,يجب عليك الجلوس لا يجب أن تقف ولا يجب أن تصرخ ,في رحلة المدرسة يجب ألا تنسى غداءك وماء ,وقبعة لرأسك ابحث عن الحيوانات في , نزهة جبلية استمع إلى دليلك السياحي . ولا يجب ان تتكلم |