اللغة الإنجليزية

المواد المشتركة أول ثانوي


Module 1

Lesson 1

Student’s Book pages 6-7

A healthy and active brain


Before you begin

1 Look at the pictures. Do you know what happens in our brains when we sleep? What do you think are the health benefits of sleep? Do you think that enough sleep makes you active during the day?

SB 6


Students’ own answers


2 DW Read the words in the box. Which words refer to parts of the body? Which words are associated with sleep? Check the meaning of any words you don’t know in the Activity Book glossary or in a dictionary.

brainwave        eyelids           heartbeat            immune system muscle           REM                 soundly



parts of the body: immune system, eyelids, muscle

associated with sleep: REM, heartbeat, brainwave, soundly



The importance of sleep

Sleep is an essential part of life. Although we think of sleep as a time when we rest completely, it’s actually a very busy period for the brain. Scientists claim that sleep is the time when information is sorted and stored by the brain. Sleep is important for reducing stress and keeping the heart, the immune system and the memory healthy. Scientists have already identified five sleep stages by studying brainwaves.

Stage 1 is when we begin to fall asleep. The brain tells the muscles to relax and the heart to beat slowly. This stage makes up about 5% of a young adult’s sleeping time.

Stage 2 is a period of deeper sleep. The heartbeat and breathing become slower. This stage makes up about 44% to 55% of a young adult’s sleeping time.

Stages 3 and 4 are when we sleep most soundly. Now the brainwaves and heartbeat are at their slowest and our muscles become very relaxed. We might have some dreams in this stage, which makes up about 15% to 23% of a young adult’s sleeping time.

Stage 5 is called the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage. Although our body is resting, our eyes are moving very quickly beneath our eyelids during this stage. Our heartbeat and breathing become faster, and this is when dreams are most frequent. This stage makes up about 20% to 25% of a young adult’s sleeping time.


3 Read and listen to the following article about sleep. Check your answers to exercise 1.


The brain sorts and stores information and replaces chemicals. It also tells the muscles to relax and the heart to beat more slowly.

Suggested answer: In the second photograph, a person is taking part in an experiment to monitor the brain during sleep.



Reading strategies


• Underline the key words in the question.

• Look for the key words or their synonyms in the text.

• Match the stage with the correct letter by reading the appropriate part of the text quickly again.

• Choose the summary which best describes each section.

4 Read and listen to the article again. Match the stages of sleep with the events that happen.

1 Stage 1

2 Stage 2

3 Stages 3 and 4

4 Stage 5

a At this stage, we sleep most soundly.

b This stage lasts for the shortest time.

c This stage lasts for the longest time.

d This is when we usually have most of our dreams.


1 b

2 c

3 a

4 d


Module 1

Lesson 1

Activity Book page 6

A healthy and active brain


1 Match the words with their meanings. Then, write a sentence of your own using these words.


1 This makes you feel very worried.                             a eyelids:…………………………………

2 These help you move parts of your body.                b muscles:……………………………………

3 You’re like this when you’re asleep.                         c stress:………………………………………

4 These cover your eyes.                                               d heartbeat:……………………………………

5 This describes one beat of your heart.                     e relaxed:……………………………………..


1 c

2 b

3 e

4 a

5 d

Example sentences:

a During REM sleep, your eyes continue moving under your eyelids.

b During sleep, your muscles relax.

c Doing exercise is a good way to relieve stress.

d Your heart rate is measured by how many heartbeats you have in one minute.

e If you work hard, it is important to find time to relax.