اللغة الإنجليزية فصل أول

المواد المشتركة توجيهي


Speaking: Page 30, exercise 1

1 DW Work in pairs. Which of these items are an everyday part of your life or life in your community? Look up any new words in a dictionary.

 Coffee      chess        flying        clock        windmills    algebra       soap
fountain pen     crystal glasses      inoculation      cheques        carpet




Students’ own answers

Listening: Page 30, exercise 2

2 What do the items in exercise 1 have in common? 

They all have their roots in Arab or Islamic discoveries and inventions made in the past.

Comprehension: Page 30, exercise 3

3 Listen again and complete the sentences.
1 Under Arab rule, ...
2 The capital of Andalusia was ...
3 Cordoba had a population of ...
4 The building of the royal palace took ...


Coffee, chess, flying, the clock, windmills, algebra, soap, the fountain pen, crystal glasses, inoculation, cheques, carpets ... What all these items have in common is their origins. They all have their roots in Arab or Islamic discoveries or inventions made in the past. It was the time when Arab and Islamic rulers established one of the largest empires in history. During this period, artists, engineers, scholars, poets, philosophers, geographers and traders in the Islamic world made ground-breaking advancements in many different areas, from agriculture and industry to philosophy, science and technology, literature, music and the arts. It was another area of Arab and Islamic expertise, that of navigation and trade, that introduced their discoveries, inventions and developments to other parts of the world. In Al-Andalus, for example, trade and agriculture improved under Arab rule. There were huge advancements in arts and science, and Cordoba, the capital of Andalusia at that time, became the largest and greatest city in Europe. By the tenth century, Cordoba had a population of about 500,000. There were 700 mosques, about 60,000 palaces and 70 libraries, the largest of which had 600,000 books! Cordoba also had around 900 public baths, and it was there where Europe’s first streetlights appeared. Just outside the city stood the magnificent Madinat az-Zahra', the royal palace. It took 40 years to build and, until it was destroyed in the eleventh century, it was one of the wonders of the age. It is now in the process of being restored to its former glory.

1 Under Arab rule,
trade and agriculture improved in Andalusia. There were also huge advancements in arts and science.
2 The capital of Andalusia was Córdoba.
3 Córdoba had a population of about 500,000.
4 The building of the royal palace took
40 years.

Grammar: Revision of relative clauses:
Pages 30–31, exercises 4 and 5

4 Read the passage below and answer the questions.

The Giralda

The Giralda tower, which is one of the most important buildings in Seville, Spain, stands at just over 104 Metres tall. The person who is believed to be responsible for the design of the tower, which was originally a minaret, is the mathematician and astronomer Jabir ibn Afl ah. The architect of the tower was Ahmad Ben Baso, who began work in 1184 CE. He died before the tower was completed in 1198 CE. The design of the tower is believed to be based on the Koutoubia Mosque, which is in Marrakesh, Morocco, and the Hassan Tower in Rabat.










1. Identify the defining and non-defining relative clauses in the text.

2. What relative pronouns do we use for the things in the box?

people      animals and things        places



1. Defining relative clauses:
who is believed to be responsible for the design of the tower.

Non-defining relative clauses:
which is one of the most important buildings in
Seville, Spain

Which was originally a minaret
who began work in 1184 CE
which is in Marrakesh, Morocco
2 .

 people – who, that 

 animals and things – which, that;

 places – where, which, that

5 Complete the text with the correct word from the box. Sometimes, more than one answer is possible.

  that         which       where       who



     Qasr Bashir is an extremely well-preserved Roman castle (1)....................... is situated in the Jordanian desert, and is about eighty kilometres south of Amman.
    The walls and huge corner towers of the castle, (2) ............................was built at the beginning of the fourth century CE, are still standing.
     It is thought that Qasr Bashir was built to protect the Roman border. Apart from the rooms in the castle, there are also about twenty-three stables (3)...............................horses may have been kept.

     People (4)..................... love exploring historical Roman ruins will certainly find a visit to Qasr Bashir very rewarding. Once inside the building, one can imagine very vividly what it would have been like to live there during the times of the Roman Empire.

which/that               2 which                  3 where                4 who/that

Activity Book, page 21, exercises 4 and 5

4 Match the beginnings with the correct endings and join them with a relative pronoun. Then, write the sentences out
in full. The first one is done for you.

1. A mathematician is someone … a are studied by mathematicians.
2. Geometry and arithmetic are subjects … b means ‘doctor'.
3. ‘Physician’ is an old-fashioned word … c works with numbers.
4. A chemist is a person..... d astronomers study.
5. The stars and planets are things … e works in a laboratory.


1 c: A mathematician is someone who works with numbers.
a: Geometry and arithmetic are subjects that/which are studied by mathematicians.
3 b: ‘Physician’ is an old-fashioned word that/which means ‘doctor’.
e: A chemist is a person who/that works in a laboratory.
d: The stars and planets are things that/which astronomers study.

5 Complete the text about Ibn Sina, using the relative pronouns in the box. One pronoun is used twice. Add commas for the non-defining relative clauses. 

             that         when             which               who


Ibn Sina (1)....................... is also known as Avicenna was a polymath. Ibn Sina was influenced as a young man by the works of the philosopher Aristotle. He wrote on early Islamic philosophy (2)................... included many subjects, especially logic and ethics. He also wrote Al Qanun fi -Tibb, the book (3)......................... became the most famous medical textbook ever. In the last ten or twelve years of his life, Ibn Sina started studying literary matters. His friends (4)................... were worried about his health advised him to relax. He refused and told them ‘I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length.’ It was the month of Ramadan (5) .......................Ibn Sina died, in June 1037 CE.


1. who 
2. which 

3. that
4. who 

5. when

Activity Book, page 21, exercises 6

‘I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length.’ Do you agree with Ibn Sina’s quote? Why/Why not?
Try to use cleft sentences with defining and non-defining relative clauses in your answer.

Suggested answer:

Yes, I agree with Ibn Sina; he is a famous polymath who has influenced me significantly. He shows that if you work hard you can achieve so much in a short space of time.

Speaking: Page 31, exercises 6 and 7

6 Discuss these questions in small groups.
1 What buildings or places in your country do you think are important, in terms of Arabic and Islamic history? Make a list.
2 What do you know about the history of these places?
3 What is it about these places that you admire most?

Students' own answers

7 Compare your list with other groups. Which places do you all agree are important?

Students’ own answers

Pronunciation: Minimal pairs (1): Page 31, exercise 8

8 Listen to each pair of words. Which sounds do you hear? Answer the questions.

a. Which words contain the p sound / p / and which contain the b sound / b /? Write 1 (/p/) or 2 (/b/) for each word.

b. Which words contain the n sound in /n/ and which contain the ing sound /ŋ/? Write 1 (/n/) or 2 (/ŋ/) for each word. 


a pen    bend     back       pack     rope    robe

b song   sun      singing   india    wing    win


a   1  pen, pack, rope          2   bend, back, robe

b    1 sun, India, win            2   song, singing, wing
