اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني


Lesson 1

1- Read and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1- The WOW! Magazine will have / won’t have articles in Semester 2.


2- Children have to / can write comments with their ideas for the WOW! Magazine.


3- The Semester 1 magazine talked about life in the city / countryside.


4- The WOW! Team talked about what job / sport they would like to do in Semester 1.


5- Semester 2 will cover books / inventions and adventure sports.



2- Read the ideas on Pupil’s Book page 5 again. Choose T (true) or F (false).

1- Aisha’s book of poetry came first at a school contest. F

2- Jameela communicated well in London and was helpful. T

3- Alfi e is concerned about the environment and shopping.  T

4- Abbas is interested in extreme sports that are done on land. F

5- Matilda and her friends can’t do many things to protect the environment. F

6- Eleni is interested in talking to people. T

7- Scarlett disagrees with the title of an article in Semester 1. T

8- Luigi found solutions in a book suggested in Semester 1. T

Lesson 2  

1-    Read the text on Pupil’s Book page 6 again and complete the sentences with a word.